Unit Test for Maxscript

I was wondering if there were any processes or framework for Unit testing for Maxscript? Has anyone worked out this issue?


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izztti's picture

units.DisplayType =

units.DisplayType = #Generic
units.SystemType = #inches
units.formatValue 123.45
units.DisplayType = #Metric
units.MetricType = #meters
units.formatValue 123.45
units.MetricType = #centimeters
units.formatValue 123.45
units.DisplayType = #US
units.USType = #ft_Frac_In
units.formatValue 123.45
units.USType = #Dec_Ft
units.formatValue 123.45
units.DisplayType = #Custom
units.formatValue 123.45
those are the codes which ı have found from maxscript help file

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