Unwrap rotate and angle snap

Hello everyone. I have a little issue with Unwrap modifier rotate function. It depends on angle snap state and value and approximate given value to snap value.

$.modifiers[Unwrap_UVW].rotateSelectedCenter (degToRad 1)

This function should rotate selection in Unwrap to 1 degree angle. And if angle snap is disabled - it does. But when angle snap is enabled (with default value of 5 degrees for example) then 1 degree will be rounded to 0 and function do literally nothing. If I will try 6 degree then selection will be rotated to 5.

So the question is - how to to get around this issue? Obvious solution is temporary disable angle snap, but I didn't find its current state in docs, only on/off toggle. I can't toggle without "if snap == true" :)


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jahman's picture


That should be enough

globalInstance = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").instance
NiK684's picture

Thanks man!

Thanks man!

jahman's picture



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