Using Active X to Play a quicktime movie

Hello all,

I am having an issue playing a quicktime using active X. I can specify a file and play it, but when i want to change the path to a new file it crashes. My script is similar to the windows media player script with the exception of playing quicktime movies instead. There isnt any documentation for quicktime in the maxscript reference. can anyone help?

I get these errors when I try and switch the quicktime file:
run time error: too many args for settarget(). I am using the code suplplied by the control object. I use showMethods rollout.activeXcontrol locate which properties I can set. I can successfully use the get functions but I get errors when using any set functions.

Here is my code:
rollout movControl "Movie Window" width:260 height:292
global pathHolder
local txtObj
local i = "tom"
ActiveXControl ax "QuickTime.QuickTime.9" pos:[12,7] width:320 height:260
button getQuick "Pick Mov" pos:[130,265] width:80 height:22
on getQuick pressed do
pathHolder = getOpenFileName caption:"Select Quicktime File:" types:"Quicktime(*.Mov)"
if pathHolder != undefined then
ax.SetTarget target:pathHolder

qtPlayer = newRolloutFloater "QuickTime Player" 360 322

addRollout movControl qtPlayer
registerViewWindow qtPlayer

any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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I used dotnet instead and

I used dotnet instead and got it to work!

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