UV unwrap Slice Tool

Here is the tool and why I think it would be good to have:

Game Development you are limited to certain texture sizes, pixel density etc… yet sometimes you need to use several textures by slicing up your mesh to accommodate the additional images.

The Tool Idea:

1. You unwrap your model 1 to 1 so it all fits nice and snug in the squared area

2. The tool would then let you subdivide the mesh like slice planes, but it would use your UV layout data. So if I have a 1x1 layout and my final mesh requires 4x4 it would then slice the mesh so you could easily use multiple textures. The tool should also have inputs so you can set the exact number of cuts you need and would be best located within the UV unwrap editor.

This would make subdividing easier as you can UV it the way you know it needs to be then subdivide it rather easily to handle the additional textures. The alternative way is tedious slice planes that would most likely intersect other parts of  the mesh depending on the angle you cut.

Thanks for any additonal input


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MSTRPLN's picture

Is this still downloadable?

Is this still downloadable?

chobo3d's picture



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