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You can weld only vertices that are at the start-end of the spline/splines. Fuse works for all vertices, but weld - not. Welding vertices at the middle of the spline means that the spline have to be separated to two different splines, because one vertex can be part of only one spline.
Thank you. I tried to make each spline separate but the vertices still won't weld together, any idea how to weld two vertices or four vertices into one vertex taking into account for sure that every vertex is part of a different spline.
Here is an attached max file, were I want to weld the four vertices together into one vertex and make the four different splines one spline only.
Here is an attached max file, were I want to weld the four vertices together into one vertex and make the four different splines one spline only.
You can't do this. Each vertex can belong to only one spline and only two segments can start from that vertex(no matter if you use single spline or multiple splines).
You can weld only vertices that are at the start-end of the spline/splines. Fuse works for all vertices, but weld - not. Welding vertices at the middle of the spline means that the spline have to be separated to two different splines, because one vertex can be part of only one spline.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Thank you. I tried to make each spline separate but the vertices still won't weld together, any idea how to weld two vertices or four vertices into one vertex taking into account for sure that every vertex is part of a different spline.
Here is an attached max file, were I want to weld the four vertices together into one vertex and make the four different splines one spline only.
Here is an attached max file, were I want to weld the four vertices together into one vertex and make the four different splines one spline only.
You can't do this. Each vertex can belong to only one spline and only two segments can start from that vertex(no matter if you use single spline or multiple splines).
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
So sad to hear that...!
Thank you.