Viewport to solidbackground
I have a hard time understanding the syntax. I like to set all my viewport-backgrounds to solid.
SetSolidBackgroundColorMode = true
But this doesn't work for me. Am i understanding these pages wrong. I feel they are so complicated at times.
Thank you.
perspective viewport
When working in a perspective viewport, the settings for the near and far clipping planes can be changed using the slider available in the viewport label. If this problem occurs regularly when working with small scene elements and sub-objects, you can try temporarily rescaling the objects using the XForm modifier. This will scale the elements appropriately to match the units used in the system.
website that does your homework
max 2020 is really annoying in switching constantly to environment background. Anyone thought of any solution?
Can you make the viewport solid so you cannot see the drawing behind it? ... Use the Region command and make that a region, now use the Mview command, Object option and
the link you posted leads to c++ sdk reference and you need maxscript reference
try to look here
MAXScript Tools and Interaction with 3ds Max > Interacting with the 3ds Max User Interface > Viewports