
Is there a method for doing something along the lines of
for obj in selection where obj.name collect (collect only unique) obj


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barigazy's picture

Maybe this can help fn

Maybe this can help

fn collect_UniqueNames =
local tempArr = #(), ghv = gethashvalue
for obj in objects where (finditem tempArr (g = gethashvalue obj.name 0)) == 0 collect (append tempArr g ; obj.name)
uniqueNamesArr = collect_UniqueNames()


Anubis's picture

collecting by unique name?

if so, an possible way:

objNames = for obj in selection collect obj.name
objNames = makeUniqueArray objNames
uniObjs = for n in objNames collect (getNodeByName n)

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

Garp's picture

Yes, you just wrote it ;)

red_boxes = for obj in $box* where obj.wirecolor == red collect obj

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