Where has the old nice Scriptspot gone?
I could cry!!!
Scriptspot is gone! Sry guys, but what the hell are you doing? Scriptspot was that cool site where you could find anything about Max Scripts. It had such a nice interface, clean, user friendly, ordered. And now?!? The whole site design (sry for that) sucks!!! I myself am a Media Designer and I just have to say, that the old site was MUCH MUCH MUCH cooler than this. I dont want to displease anyone, especially Chris Grant, but the new site design is definitly a great step backwards in my opinion. I miss the original Scriptspot.
Wow, thanks for the
Wow, thanks for the compliments on the old site! (seriously) ... So, since you're a Media Designer, any chance you want to work on a new UI for this site? Thats the great thing about the new system - its completely themable. For that matter, someone could rewrite the css / theme bits and make it function exactly like the old site. That would just take time and css experience, maybe a bit of php to get everything working like it used to.
So, can I count on you for some help? Obviously there are tons of talented scripters and still thousands of scripts on this site which are amazing. What I'm lacking is help on the backend. If you've got the talent to help, I'd love to make it happen! :-)
Christopher Grant
Admin, ScriptSpot.com
Hi Chris, thanks for the
Hi Chris,
thanks for the offer. I really would like to help you on building a theme in the style of the old site. I am more or less an experienced CSS Layouter. So if you could send me some information on where to start working on a new theme for scriptspot I definitely would spend some time on it. But, of course, I have my own jobs to do, so I dont always have that much free time to work on it. Just to let you know. So, Im looking forward to hearing from you. By the way, I am a german, so my english isnt that perfect... :)
Greets Benny
[sarcasm on] What? You mean
[sarcasm on] What? You mean you're not willing to quit your job and work full time on a volunteer theming project? I'm shocked! [sarcasm off]
No problem Benny, any help is better than no help!!! :-)
I don't have a beta site for you to work with yet, however I do have this zip of html / css that if nothing else would provide a great starting point... ScriptSpot is based on the drupal 4.7 CMS. It uses a php theme engine and there are tons of themes to start from at http://drupal.org/project/Themes or you could just modify the scriptspot theme I'm including. I'm thinking this will be enough to at least get you started while I get the server access details worked out... Once the theme is "beta" quality we could begin to offer it on ScriptSpot as an option that would appear in every users account options!
Thanks for your help Benny!
Christopher Grant
Admin, ScriptSpot.com
Hi Chris, I see you have
Hi Chris,
I see you have been posting on the drupal forum ;). I just downloaded drupal to get started with it on my xampp installation. Thanks for the zip-file. I was wondering if you have any screenshots or such of the old scriptspot site. That would be a nice starting point from where to develop the css layout...
Greetz Benny
Actually Benny, I can beat
Actually Benny, I can beat screenshots. The old site is still accessible via its IP at ... I keep meaning to take it down but there it is...
Christopher Grant
Admin, ScriptSpot.com
Thank you for sharing that
Thank you for sharing that IP. I desperately needed to bake some animation on a vertex level and I couldn't find Avguard_Extensions, BFDToolsCore , jbFunctions on the new site. But I had no problem from the old.
search Bake and try to download the required files on the new site.
Anyway I have absolutely no understaning regarding scripting. I simply use all of these fantastic scripts. Thank's all of you. You keep saving my neck.