Writing EXR HDR values with bitmap IO functions

I'm attempting to store hdr values in a EXR file. When opened in photoshop, the values clamp between 0-1. Does anyone know how to store a signed 16 bit exr files via maxscript? I tried colors, float3s and float4s. It doesn't seem to affect the outcome.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated

	global ImageArray=#()
	for j=0 to 15 do (
		append tempArray ([700, 100, 0, 15])--(color 153 228 184)
	for i =0 to 15 do (
		append ImageArray tempArray
	fopenexr.SetCompression 0 -- uncompressed
	fopenexr.setLayerOutputType 0 1 -- set layer 0  main layer to RGB
	fopenexr.setLayerOutputFormat 0 1 -- sets main layer to float 16 via 1. other options are 0 float 32, 2 int 32 
	TextureName = getSaveFileName types:"EXR (*.EXR)|*.EXR"
	FinalTexture = bitmap (ImageArray.count) (ImageArray.count) filename:TextureName;
	for i=0 to (ImageArray.count-1) do (
		setPixels FinalTexture [0, i] ImageArray[i+1]
		print ImageArray[i+1]
	save FinalTexture
	close FinalTexture


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thegoodwar's picture

The issue was that

The issue was that

FinalTexture = bitmap (ImageArray.count) (ImageArray.count) filename:TextureName;

did not include "hdr:true"

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