3-point* Mirror

Could anybody write the subject please?
Something like Autocad's Mirror3d (Sketchup has similar plugin too)
*3 mouse clicks would define a mirror plane

Thanks in advance


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alexbls's picture

Symmetry instead??

Thanks Jahman,

I've tried to modify the script using "Symmetry" instead "mirror" modifier but does'n really work...
can you please tell me how can I do it?

Many thanks

jahman's picture


just change mirror modifier properties with corresponding symmetry modifier properties
if you don't know what properties to change select object with symmetry mod and
run show $.modifiers[1]

alexbls's picture

thanks for your reply

this is what I did... and, sorry but I'm not so good in scripting :)

tool pick3points (

local p1,p2,p3

on mousePoint clickno do (

case clickno of (

1: p1 = worldpoint
3: p2 = worldPoint
4: (

p3 = worldPoint
stopTool pick3points
#( p1, p2, p3 )




on mouseMove clickno do redrawViews()

on mouseAbort val do (

stopTool pick3points


if selection.count > 0 do (

pts = starttool pick3points

if pts != undefined do (

norm = normalize (cross (pts[2] - pts[1]) (pts[3] - pts[1]))

center = (pts[1] + pts[2] + pts[3]) / 3.0

for s in selection do (

try (

addModifier s (m = Symmetry())

m.Symmetry_axis = 1
m.Symmetry_flip = boolean
m.Symmetry_slice = 1
m.Symmetry_weld = (Weld_Seam) : 0
m.Symmetry_threshold = 0.1



jahman's picture


that's what props these two modifier have

.copy : boolean
.offset (Mirror_Offset) : float
.mirror_axis : integer
.Mirror_Center : transform

.axis : integer
.flip : boolean
.slice : integer
.weld (Weld_Seam) : integer
.threshold : float
.Mirror : transform

replacing Mirror_Center with Mirror should be enough I think

alexbls's picture

Sorry Jahaman, but I'm really

Sorry Jahaman, but I'm really struggling to understand... for me is like another language! :D
I would be grateful if you can show me how to modify the script...

Thank you very much!

jahman's picture


try (
			addModifier s (m = mirror()) 
			m.mirror_axis = 2
			m.Mirror_Center.rotation = inverse (MatrixFromNormal norm).rotation
			m.Mirror_Center.scale = [1,1,1]
			m.Mirror_Center.position = (center - s.pos)
			addModifier s (m = symmetry()) 
			m.axis = 2
			m.mirror.rotation = inverse (MatrixFromNormal norm).rotation
			m.mirror.scale = [1,1,1]
			m.mirror.position = (center - s.pos)
alexbls's picture

Thank you very much!! :)

Thank you very much!! :)

1rv's picture

Miauu, could you please add

Miauu, could you please add 'keep original' option?
and there's a bug: oddly the script mirrors ALL instances (not only the ones are preselected)

1rv's picture

Thank you Miauu! Please check

Thank you Miauu! Please check PM.

jahman's picture


tool pick3points (
	local p1,p2,p3
	on mousePoint clickno do (
		case clickno of (
			1: p1 = worldpoint
			3: p2 = worldPoint			
			4: (
				p3 = worldPoint	
				stopTool pick3points
				#( p1, p2, p3 )
	on mouseMove clickno do redrawViews()
	on mouseAbort val do (
		stopTool pick3points
if selection.count > 0 do (
	pts = starttool pick3points
	if pts != undefined do (
		norm = normalize (cross (pts[2] - pts[1]) (pts[3] - pts[1]))
		center = (pts[1] + pts[2] + pts[3]) / 3.0
		for s in selection do (
			try (
			addModifier s (m = mirror()) 
			m.mirror_axis = 2
			m.Mirror_Center.rotation = inverse (MatrixFromNormal norm).rotation
			m.Mirror_Center.scale = [1,1,1]
			m.Mirror_Center.position = (center - s.pos)

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