3ds Max headus UV Layout plug-in


I'd like to request a script that serves as a plugin for Headus UV Layout. I am aware that there is one http://www.headus.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=915

This script works perfectly for 3ds max 2013 but unfortunately it only allows one object to be sent to UV Layout.

I'd like to ask if someone can make it work for a number of selected objects or a group.

I'm willing to make a donation.



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barigazy's picture


You need to ask first the author. Are you try to attach all theses object into a single mesh and send to UVLayout?


zarko's picture

I did ask the author first.

I did ask the author first. But as you can see that thread is over 2 years old and the author is no longer responding.
And I know I can attach all objects and send them as a single mesh, but I have a scene that has more than 200 objects and I need them to be separated. So attaching is not an option for me.

That is why I'm asking people from this community for help.


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