Auto Hierarchy - Control Objects

In the max file attached I have provided 2 bone chains. The one labeled "What I Want" is what I would like my script to do once I run it. The other bone chain is for you to run the script on. So far my script will create a point helper at the exact pivot of each object you have selected, but not link them, as in the example "What I want". The end result being, a point helper created at each bones pivot, and linking them through the hierarchy in correlation to the hierarchy of the bone chain.

function createPoint =
    for Cntrl =1 to selection.count do
        Cntrl = selection[Cntrl]
        Control_IK=point wirecolor: red
        Control_IK.size = Cntrl.width*5
        Control_IK.cross = true
		Control_IK.transform = Cntrl.transform
hier.max212 KB


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JokerMartini's picture


Nice Garp, that works out well. I actually never used the showLinks property. I always forget about that being in max.

Great stuff.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Garp's picture

Something like this:

Select the root of your hierarchy and run this:

fn setCtrlPts theObj thePt:undefined =
  local pt = point transform:theObj.transform \
             name:("ctrl_" + \
             wireColor:green \
  pt.parent = thePt
  for obj in theObj.children do
    setCtrlPts obj thePt:pt
setCtrlPts selection[1]

Customize the points to your needs :D

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