Automated Script Dialog

Is there anyway to make a script that will automatically take a folder of macroscripts and create a dialog with buttons corresponding to each script in the folder.
I've found myself running out of hotkeys and tired of remaking dialogs every so often as I accumulate scripts.

Ideally it would be cool if the script would take a selected folder of individual scripts and create a dialog using the name for every script as the button label and the name of the folder as the title of the dialog.


automateddialog.jpg117.49 KB


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JokerMartini's picture

Awesome Insanto, thank you

Awesome Insanto, thank you for the help!
I'll be sure to check it out and mess with it.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Graph's picture

here you go: ( local

here you go:

	local directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\3ds Max 2011\\Scripts"
	local sFiles = getFiles (directory + "\\*.ms*")
	local rci = rolloutCreator "myRollout" "My Rollout"
	for file in sFiles do
		local fIndex = findItem sFiles file
		local fbName = "b" + (fIndex as string)
		if fIndex / 2.0 != fIndex / 2 then
			rci.addControl #button fbName (getFIleNameFile file) paramStr:"width:80 height:28 align:#left across:2"
			rci.addHandler fbName #pressed filter:on codeStr:("fileIn @" + file + "@")
			rci.addControl #button fbName (getFIleNameFile file) paramStr:"width:80 height:28 align:#right"
			rci.addHandler fbName #pressed filter:on codeStr:("fileIn @" + file + "@")
	local RO = (rci.end())
	createDialog RO

feel free to expand on it on your own

Raphael Steves

br0t's picture

Maybe not exactly what you

Maybe not exactly what you asked for, but you may try those two scripts by holycause and anubis: -> "MS Browser"


Never get low & slow & out of ideas

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