Average roation

I'm looking for a solution on the best way to find the average rotation for a selection of objects. Does anyone have any ideas for this one?


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JokerMartini's picture


Thanks for the quick response. It seems like I was over thinking it and expected it to be more complex than it really needs to be.

How is it going man?
Denis is a maxscript expert i do believe.
The reason I was unsure how to use his script was because of the fact he was using slerp which only averages 2 values.

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

LittleLordPotala's picture

Move and rotate to average

How to use the script :
Select the objects which you want to calculate the average.
Launch the attached script.
Pick the object you want to move and rotate at this average.
It's done.

moverotatetoaverage.ms 380 bytes
JokerMartini's picture

I want to find the average

I want to find the average rotation for a selection of objects. Not just two objects. In the example image I show the average rotation for juts 2 objects, just to get the main point across.


I found this on cgtalk which blends matrices which is what im ultimately after.
I'm just not completely sure on how to get this to work entirely with multiple objects. Right now this only works with 2 objects. The biggest thing to get to work is the rotation. I know how to get average postitioning.


I want to find the average of all selected object's matrices and then create and object and apply the average matrix to it.

averagerotation.png 115.6 KB

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

sergo's picture

Thank you for the link! Denis

Thank you for the link! Denis is a really maxscript-superhero :)

How about using this function iterating over all objects - e.g. find average between first two objects, then between that average and the third object and so on?

sergo's picture

What's this?

Could you give a bit more detail on what the average rotation is?

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