Change Autobackup folder to relative to project folder
Good day everyone.
I'd like to know whether it's possible or not to create a script that does the following 4 actions:
1.- changes the default autobackup folder from c:\users\... to the same one as the current file that is being edited.
2.- sets the default backup interval to 1 minute.
3.- changes the name of the autobackup file to the same as the max file currently being edited.
4.- Sets the maximum amount of autobackup files to 1.
In resume, everytime a new file were open for edit a new autobackup file would be created in the same folder and getting updated every minute independently of the manual saves.
These autobackup files would only be overwritten in case the same max file were open.
The script would operate not when 3ds max opens up but when a max file is selected after browsing.
The script would be added up to the startup.
Thanks so much for your assistance.
this is definetely doable
Check autosave interface
Thanks Jahman. Would you be
Thanks Jahman.
Would you be able to make it?