Clone, Align and LINK a random object to a selection of helpers
Hiya !
please let me know if this exists anywhere, and maybe I have overlooked it.
What I need is something like the Clone and align tool, which will take an object and align and link it to a selection of other objects.
The only catch is the tool in max only allows you to link one object.
What I want is to use an array of objects as a source, and link a random one of those to each helper.
basically like this
but to also LINK the objects as well as just copying them.
I feel like this must exists somewhere and maybe I am not entering the right search terms.
any help would be amazing!!
inverted version...
here's the inverted version: now each helper will control only one clone...but of course it means you may get multi-clones
if you want the clones to be copies instead of instances then uncomment/comment appropriate lines provided...
myclones = $Clone*
myhelpers = $Point*
count = myclones.count
for i in myhelpers do
--TheClone = copy myclones[random 1 count]
TheClone = instance myclones[random 1 count]
TheClone.transform = i.transform
TheClone.parent = i
here's a starting point Bradles...
here try this...pretty basic:
myhelpers = $Point* -- assuming all your helpers name start with "Point"
count = myhelpers.count;
for i in (selection as array) do
TheHelper = myhelpers[random 1 count]
i.transform = TheHelper.transform
i.parent = TheHelper
oh of course select your objects to be distributed, then execute the script...and also this means one helper can potentially control multiple slaves..