close caddy menu

Hi, I am making optimization for connecting edges on mose movement. But dont know how to close caddy dialog. Previously I used "UIAccessor.CloseDialog t[1]", but it stoped working, you will find it in a full script bellow. How can I close this caddy menu? Thanks.

macroScript connectPreview_ category:"paulius3d" buttonText:"connectPreview" tooltip:"_connectPreview" -- CONNECT PREVIEW
local kasPazymeta
startPosX = mouse.pos.x
startPosY = mouse.pos.y
--print startPos
if $ != undefined and classof $ == Editable_Poly then( -- ar editPoly
if subobjectLevel == 2 then( -- ar Edge
if (polyOp.getEdgeSelection $) as string == (#{}) as string then( --ar pazymeta edge
messagebox "select edge/edges"
tool foo(
on mousePoint clickno do( -- ant paspaudimo darom
if clickno <= 2 then( "paulius3d" "connectGrip_"
for child in (windows.getChildrenHWND 0 parent:#max) where (child[5] == "Connect Edges") do( -- dialogo pozicija ties 0
windPosAndSize = windows.getWindowPos child[1]
windows.setWindowPos child[1] 0 0 windPosAndSize.w windPosAndSize.h true
)else (
$.EditablePoly.ConnectEdges ()
t = windows.getChildHWND 0 "Connect Edges"
DestroyDialog t[1]
--UIAccessor.CloseDialog t[1]
on mouseMove clickno do(
$.connectEdgeSlide = ((viewPoint.x - startPosX)/3)
$.connectEdgeSegments = (1+abs((viewPoint.y - startPosY-100)/300))
)catch false
on mouseAbort clickno do(
t=windows.getChildHWND 0 "Connect Edges"
--UIAccessor.CloseDialog t[1]
)catch false
startTool foo
subobjectLevel = 2
messagebox "make edge selection and run again"
)else messagebox "select Editable poly"


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miauu's picture


Which line of your code is used to show the caddy dialog? This one: "paulius3d" "connectGrip_" or another?

Whay you not switch to old style dialogs, not to caddy?

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