Corona Round Edges Script

Hi guys

I use Coronaroundedges a lot for adding chamfering around mass geometry - is there a way to have a script automate this for me?
So ideally i would want to keep the bump map that is already in the slot and when the corona round edges is added to the bump slot, it automatically puts the existing bump map within the 'additional bump mapping' slot of the corona round edges texmap.

Is this possible?



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crystal3d's picture

good idea

, add round edges to selected objct's materials.
it would be a good automation

pixamoon's picture



How do you add Corona round edges int bump slot ? Is it in Slate or Compact Material Editor ?


short_cirkuit's picture

Hi Pixamoon I use the compact

Hi Pixamoon

I use the compact material editor - thanks for the reply.

pixamoon's picture


But if you create new bump in place of old - max doesn't ask if you want to "Keep old map as sub-map ?"

short_cirkuit's picture

Hi Pixamoon Yes it does - i

Hi Pixamoon

Yes it does - i put it as a sub map - but i want to automate this as i do it several times

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