Distance Between Two Objects (Automate Camera's Focal Point)

I would like a way to find the distance between two objects. What is the best way to go about doing this through maxscript?
Using the measuring tool, getting the distance value between the two objects and then deleting it?




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JokerMartini's picture


Maybe you could help me on this. It doesn't work entirely correctly but I feel that it is going in the right direction. It is for animating the Camera's Focal point. It seems to bug out when obj is not directly in front of the camera.

rollout rlCameraFocus "Camera Focus"
	local FocusObj
	local RendCam
	fn ObjFilter obj = 
		superclassof obj != Camera --Helpers
	fn camFilter obj = 
		superclassof obj == Camera --Cameras
	groupbox gobxFocusObj "Focus Object" width:140 height:52 pos:[5,2]
	pickbutton pkbtnFocusObj "Pick Object" width:120 height:24 pos:[15,20] filter:ObjFilter
	groupbox gobxCamera "Camera" width:140 height:52 pos:[5,60]
	pickbutton pkbtnCamera "Pick Camera" width:120 height:24 pos:[15,80] filter:camFilter
	button btnMakeInFocus "Make In Focus" width:140 height:24 pos:[5,120]
	on pkbtnCamera picked obj do
		RendCam = obj
		pkbtnCamera.text = RendCam.name
	on pkbtnFocusObj picked obj do
		FocusObj = obj
		pkbtnFocusObj.text = FocusObj.name
-- Calculation
	on btnMakeInFocus pressed do
		fromHere = RendCam
		toThere = FocusObj
		FocVal = (distance fromHere toThere)
		print FocVal
		RendCam.baseObject.targetDistance = FocVal
createDialog rlCameraFocus 150 150

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

br0t's picture


Theres an existing command:

fromHere = $Teapot001
toThere = $Teapot002
distance fromHere toThere


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