Export a single menu item


I have created a custom menu item which I want to share.
So I thought that maxscript would probably be the best approach.

Could anyone please help me with a script that does that? Also, the output must be possible to import on another 3dsmax where the menu isn't there.


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Haider of Sweden's picture


Hello again,

I would like to address this script idea/wish because of yet another reason. 3dsMax 2016 is changed a lot since 2014 that was the last used version.
When I export the menu from 2014 and import it to 2016, lots of things actually get broken because they were moved to quad menus instead of UI items.

I tried to edit the MNUX file, it was to tricky to do it by hand because of all the IDs. Therefore, a script that export menu items and reimports them seems to be the solution.

Kind regards

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