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is i miss something... the circle shape has 4 knots and you can divide it segments, or if create circle with addKnot need to supply amount of knots and angle, and the same is for the spiral/helix. in the example code - 12 knots with angle 30 end with full turn (12*30=360).
spline = splineShape()
addNewSpline spline
addKnot spline 1 #smooth #curve [0,0,0]
numK = 12-- num.knots
incr = pi -- increment
rad = for i = 1 to numK collect i * incr
ang = 30-- angle
points = for i = 1 to numK collect [rad[i]*(sin(i*ang)),rad[i]*(cos(i*ang)),0]for p in points do addKnot spline 1 #smooth #curve p
updateShape spline
is i miss something... the
is i miss something... the circle shape has 4 knots and you can divide it segments, or if create circle with addKnot need to supply amount of knots and angle, and the same is for the spiral/helix. in the example code - 12 knots with angle 30 end with full turn (12*30=360).
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
Hey Anubis, You got it 100% right.
That is what i wanted. Great work!
John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)
Yeah just like that. But have the option to choose the amount of knots in the spline. Like when you make a circle you can adjust that.
John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)
somthing like this?... (
somthing like this?...
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)