How to change the viewport statistics?
I would like to change the Viewport Statistics to show specific data... Triangle Count, Vertex Count, and Selection.
I review 3ds Max models submitted by outsourcers, so I press 7 to see the stats, but I constantly have to change the settings in Viewport Config to get the stats I need.
Looking through the MAXScript help, there doesn't seem to be a way to change it? The only thing I could find is viewport.GetFPS() but I don't really need the fps.
Maybe it has to be custom text printed to the viewport? See this post:
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks miauu. My scenes are
Thanks miauu. My scenes are not very heavy at all, they're almost always under 5000 vertices. "Tricky" sounds tricky, given my low experience level. :) But I'll take a look.
3D Game Artist -
Admin for the Polycount wiki -
In this case it is a lot easier to create custom script that will allows you to see the needed information.
I will write it and will post it here.
Which version of 3dsMax you use?
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Wow, thanks for looking into
Wow, thanks for looking into this. For this client I'm using 3ds Max 2012.
3D Game Artist -
Admin for the Polycount wiki -
The script is ready - the tricky solution. :)
Tested on max2014 and 2013 and works with only one bug - can't show the "Selection". The "Total", "Total + Selection" works OK, but "Selection" - not OK. I will try to find the reason for this tommorow and will test in with max2012. To make it works you have to open the Viewport Configuration windon, go to Statistics tab and press OK button. Then the script works properly - watch this video.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Hmm, that's too bad you have
Hmm, that's too bad you have to open the config window. It kind of defeats the purpose of the script. Thanks Obama! :)
When I load max files, I was thinking it would be great to hit a hotkey and have the proper stats appear. Well, it doesn't have to use the Viewport Statistics I guess. I wonder about gw.wText ... maybe I can tweak this to show vert/tri counts instead. What do you think?
Thanks again miauu, much appreciated.
3D Game Artist -
Admin for the Polycount wiki -
The script is ready.
No need to open the Viewport Configuration dialog.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
I forgot to tell you - you have to open the Viewport Config dialog only once per Max session. So
- you run max
- open Viewport Config dialog
- go to Statistics tab
- press the OK button and close the dialog
- from now on the script will works. You can open new scene, create new scene, reset max and load new scene, merge scene/objects, add xrefs - the script will works.
The GW can be used but the script aht you have to create have to check objects in the scene for their class. If all of your objects are editable poly, editable mesh, splines, then it will be pretty simple script, but if you have nurbs for example - it will make the script a little bit complicated.
But it is your decision. :)
By the way - who is Obama? :)
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Wow, this is excellent. I
Wow, this is excellent. I never use NURBS anymore, that's so 1990's! It would be nice to have the GW version if it isn't too much trouble. Either way, thank you once again!
3D Game Artist -
Admin for the Polycount wiki -
No need of GW version. The script works without forcing you to open and close the Viewport Configuration dialog. Did you try it?
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Ah yes, it does! I see it
Ah yes, it does! I see it flashing momentarily, smart!
Could you possibly add a checkbox to turn off FPS? I don't know anyone who uses it, except to benchmark different versions of Max against each other.
3D Game Artist -
Admin for the Polycount wiki -