in-viewport status display

I would like to know if it is possible to see in the viewport what sub-object in mesh objects is selected or active

"I'm not a programmer and I don't have any scripting skills.
Please help me to make it works.

Moving on to the topic you can display more information in the viewport

fn CoordStatistics =
try (MaterialName = getRefCoordSys() ) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,40,0] MaterialName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback CoordStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback CoordStatistics
CoordStatistics ()


fn TransformationsStatistics =
try (MaterialName = toolMode.commandmode) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,55,0] MaterialName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback TransformationsStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback TransformationsStatistics
TransformationsStatistics ()


fn SubselectionStatistics =
try (MaterialName = $.GetEPolySelLevel()) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,70,0] MaterialName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback SubselectionStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback SubselectionStatistics
SubselectionStatistics ()


fn NameselectionStatistics =
try (MaterialName = objName = selection[1].name) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,85,0] MaterialName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback NameselectionStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback NameselectionStatistics
NameselectionStatistics ()


fn FPSStatistics =
frameNumber = ((slidertime as string) as integer)
try (MaterialName = "Frame: " + frameNumber as string) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,100,0] MaterialName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback FPSStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback FPSStatistics
FPSStatistics ()



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darwin's picture

here the solution thanks to the help of jahman

fn meshStatistics =
if(classof (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) == Editable_Mesh) Then
SOLevelName = case SubObjectLevel of
0: #Object
1: #Vertex
2: #Edge
3: #face
4: #Polygon
5: #Element
try (SOLevelName = SubObjectLevel() ) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,100,0] SOLevelName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback meshStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback meshStatistics
meshStatistics ()

jahman's picture


you can access current Sub-Object level with a max global variable SubObjectLevel

darwin's picture

It's correct what you say, but...

It's correct what you say, but I can't make it work so that it shows the info on the screen, if it's achieved with editable poly like this

fn SubselectionStatistics =
try (MaterialName = $.GetEPolySelLevel()) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,70,0] MaterialName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback SubselectionStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback SubselectionStatistics
SubselectionStatistics ()

jahman's picture


you can use case of statement

SOLevelName = case SubObjectLevel of
    0: #Object
    1: #Vert
    2: #Edge
    3: ... and so on

Check mxs reference for modPanel.getCurrentObject() if you need to know what type of modifier you're working with since the above list of SOLevel names is only suitable for EditableMesh/Editablepoly and editpoly/editmesh modifiers.

darwin's picture

close to solving it thanks to you.

Thank you very much for your help in solving this problem.

darwin's picture

here the solution thanks to the help of jahman

here the solution thanks to the help of jahman

fn meshStatistics =
if(classof (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) == Editable_Mesh) Then
SOLevelName = case SubObjectLevel of
0: #Object
1: #Vertex
2: #Edge
3: #face
4: #Polygon
5: #Element
try (SOLevelName = SubObjectLevel() ) catch(MaterialName = "")
gw.wText [10,100,0] SOLevelName color:green
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback meshStatistics
registerRedrawViewsCallback meshStatistics
meshStatistics ()

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