Keyframes and meshes a person has a scene setup in 3ds max, there's a mesh "XXXXX" that is animated, it's using the physique modifier to attach itself to max's standard biped..

Is there a macro script or script out there that can:

1) select "XXXXX" then copy the mesh and rename it to "$XXXXX00" ( the mesh is at frame 0 on the time line at this point )

2) freeze "$XXXXX00" select "XXXXX", move to next frame, copy "XXXXX" and rename it to "$XXXXX01" then freeze "$XXXXX01", select "XXXXX", move to next frame, copy "XXXXX" and rename it to "$XXXXX02"...and so on ?

if such a script doesn't exist, would someone write one please?...thanks.


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Anton Berg's picture

I am glad it worked... and I

I am glad it worked...
and I would highly recommend to go to the newer versions of max if you want other scripts to work, it has happend alot scriptwise since version 5 ;-)

Happy snapshoting!

Anton Berg

Anton Berg

k889's picture

Iam using 3ds max 5, but I

Iam using 3ds max 5, but I recently got 8, haven't tried it out yet, but Iam going to soon..


EDIT: Thanks a million!! it's working fine now :)

Anton Berg's picture

What version of 3dsmax are

What version of 3dsmax are you using?
I have tested it with 3dsmax 9 and 2008 and that works fine.

But if you are using a earlier version I am unsure if the "createdialog" command existed.

I have attached a different version which doesn´t use this feature.

Anton Berg

AttachmentSize 587 bytes

Anton Berg

k889's picture

Thanks for helping out! but

Thanks for helping out! but there's a problem with the script, it says >> MAXScript FileIn Exception: -- Syntax error: at ), expected
-- In line: )createDialog snapshotMesh <<

and I forgot to include something crucial in my first post. sorry! i.e. "convert it to editable mesh"

1) select "XXXXX" then copy the mesh and rename it to "$XXXXX00" ( the mesh is at frame 0 on the time line at this point ) and convert "$XXXXX00" to editable mesh.

2) freeze "$XXXXX00" select "XXXXX", move to next frame, copy "XXXXX" and rename it to "$XXXXX01" and convert "$XXXXX01" to editable mesh, then freeze "$XXXXX01", select "XXXXX", move to next frame, copy "XXXXX" and rename it to "$XXXXX02" and convert "$XXXXX02" to editable mesh...and so on ?

Anton Berg's picture

Hi I think that this might

Hi I think that this might do the trick if it is Mesh you want... If you want polys I need to change it a little.

To run, just drag n drop the .ms file directly on a max viewport.

1. Select the objects you want to snapshot, select the desired timerange and if you want a snapshot every frame. and press create.

Currently the naming is: objectname Fr framenumber. ex: Cylinder01 Fr 10

If you want a different standard for this just tell me!

Anton Berg

AttachmentSize 554 bytes

Anton Berg

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