Maxscript file structure renaming

Hello I am looking for a simple maxscript that will clean up my imported fbx files. This is straight forward just out of my realm of knowledge.

I need a file that will do the following in order

1. Delete all empty Dummy helper layers
2. Loop thru all Dummy objects and

  • A. Merge children objects of Dummy into one layer
  • B. Rename the newly merged layer to the Parent name +'_Mat"
  • C. Unparent the newly created layer

    5. Delete all empty Dummy layers
    6 Create a new Dummy helper layer
    7. Parent all geometry layers into the new Dummy layer

    Attached are two images showing an example of imported file structure and what I need the final file structure to look like.
    Names of layers will always be different.

    More than willing to pay for a working solution, not expecting anything for free.

  • AttachmentSize
    importer_structure.jpg118.25 KB
    final_structure.jpg65.97 KB


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