regardless of edtiable poly and editable mesh , how can i clear smothing group

if i select objects editable meshs or editable polys
i would like to clear smoothing groups

can you help me again ?
thank you always


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barigazy's picture

With this fn you can clear

With this fn you can clear SG, set Mtl id to 1 and triangulate EditablePoly objects.

fn clearSmoothAndID = if selection.count > 0 do
	local setSG = polyop.setFaceSmoothGroup, setFID = polyop.setFaceMatID, retriangulate = polyop.retriangulate	
	for o in selection where isKindOf o Editable_Poly do
		e = #{1..o.faces.count}
		setSG o e 0 ; setFID o e 1 ; retriangulate o e


miauu's picture


Try this:

macroscript miauuClearSmoothingGroups
tooltip:"Clear SGs"
buttonText:"Clear SGs"
	if selection.count != 0 do
		for o in selection as array do
			case classOf o of
						o.selectedfaces = #{1..o.numfaces}
						o.setSmoothingGroups 0 -1 1
					facesBA = #{1..o.numfaces}
					o.selectedfaces = facesBA
					for f in facesBA do
						setFaceSmoothGroup o f 0
					update o
MaximuM's picture

Great !!

It is just what I was looking for ! Thank you so much miauu !!

dussla's picture

really really thank you

very kindly , very good working
thank you ~

miauu's picture


Glad to help. :)

miauu's picture


How you doing this manualy?

dussla's picture

yes manua is good , but

i worked many times modfiction from cad
so i need that

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