Rename Bitmaps for exporting

Is there any script out there that allows me to rename the bitmaps used in my scene and update the name in 3ds max materials?
I have for example bitmaps used in scene:

Wood_cgtextures_01_VeryCOOL Lighting_Effect.jpg
Just Another Wood material Name With Spaces in its name.tga

And i want to rename these bitmaps (both in 3ds max and "windows" so they "match") to a name i would like (of my choise)+ automaticly append numbers, so for example


I need this for proper exporting to some formats (like 3ds for example).

I didnt find any script that does this, i like Neil Blevins Name manager from soulburn scripts, but it doesnt handle renaming the bitmaps (just maps, materials etc. not really bitmaps)

Does such a "simple" but needed script exist please?


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barigazy's picture


Send me or post here a small test file (archived) and tell me which names you want to use for renaming.


barigazy's picture


This is a simple example how to rename and update bitmap.
Supports only bitmap textures.
If you want more complex solution search on this forum recursive function which
will help you to collect all maps with filemane. Anyway...

fn renameBmpFile source target =
	local sioFile = dotNetClass "System.IO.File"
	local sysStr = dotNetClass "System.String"
	if not (sioFile.Exists source) then messageBox "Bitmap File not exist!" title:"Warning" beep:off else
		if  sioFile.Exists target then messageBox "You already used this name!" title:"Warning" beep:off else
			local bitmaps = getClassInstances Bitmaptex 
			if bitmaps.count == 0 then messageBox "No Bitmaps In The Scene" title:"Warning" beep:off else
				local bmpArr = for b in bitmaps where isKindOf b.filename String and (sysStr.Compare source b.filename true) == 0 collect b
				if bmpArr.count == 0 then messageBox "This Bitmap Is Not Assigned!" title:"Warning" beep:off else
					sioFile.Move source target
					for b in bmpArr do setProperty b #filename target
					free bmpArr
				free bitmaps
-- example
sceneMapString = @"c:\Users\Maps\Bark map.jpg"
newFileName = @"c:\Users\Maps\Wood_Bark.tiff"
renameBmpFile sceneMapString newFileName


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