render One object with hundreds of different textures

Hi does enyone have a script or if it's possible to automate the process of having X object and render it with the files of a given folder. I.e. i need to showcase 100 diferent kinds of fabric applied to a sofa or marble in a kitchen counter etc...

also it'll be great if the output name could be _>texturename>.*

I already considered the renaming everything as a img sequence but that's not a real option because i'll have to shuffle thru a zillion files trying to find the image i want that's why let's say (stickung with the sofa example) sofa_whitefabric.*, sofa_brownleather.* etc would be great instead of sofa_leather01, sofa_fabric02.*

I need help!!



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Graph's picture

How about something like

How about something like this:

	local objsToSwitchTextures = selection as array;	--define the objects that will have their textures replaced
	local textureFolder = @"C:\Users\Graph\Desktop\Neuer Ordner (2)\";	--define the folder to search for the replacement-textures
	local fileType = @"*.jpg";	--define the fileType of the textures to use
	local mapSlotName = "DiffuseMap";	--define the material's map slot to assign the new textures to
	local printMapSlotNames = true;	--if set to true the material's map slot Names are gonna be printed to the listener
	/* ************************ */
	/* ************************ */
	/* ************************ */
	fn getMatMapProps mat =
		if mat != undefined AND superClassOf mat == material do
			local str = stringstream ""
			showproperties mat to:str
			str = filterstring (str as string) "\r\n"
			local nonCollClasses = #(integer, float, array, arrayparameter, booleanclass, color, material)
			str = for prop in str where findString prop "alias" != undefined OR findString prop "map" != undefined collect
				local prop2 = 0
				prop = replace prop 1 (findString prop ".") ""  --remove whiteSpace before prop
				prop = substring prop 1 ((findString prop " ")-1) --cut out only the prop
				local firstLetter = toUpper (substring prop 1 1) --get first letter in uppercase
				prop = replace prop 1 1 firstLetter --replace first letter with uppercase
				if hasProperty mat prop do --check if the generated prop string exists at all
					prop2 = getProperty mat prop --get the value
				if findItem nonCollClasses (classOf prop2) == 0 AND findItem nonCollClasses (superClassOf prop2) == 0 AND prop.count > 6 then prop else dontcollect --sort out and return the valid props to collect
			return str
	)--END getMatMapProps FN
	local textureFiles = getFiles (textureFolder + fileType) ;
	local isRndNameSet = rendOutputFilename.count >=5;
	local rendFilename = copy rendOutputFilename;
	if objsToSwitchTextures.count > 0 then
		for texture in textureFiles do 
			for obj in objsToSwitchTextures do
				if obj.material != undefined do 
					if printMapSlotNames do
						local matMapProps = getMatMapProps obj.material;
						local str = + " | " + (classOf obj.material) as string + "\r\n";
						for slot in matMapProps do 
							str += "\t" + slot + "\r\n";
						print str;
					if isProperty obj.material mapSlotName do
						local tex = bitmaptex fileName:texture;
						setProperty obj.material mapSlotName tex;
			if isRndNameSet then
				rendOutputFilename = (getFilenamePath rendFilename) + (getFilenameFile rendFilename) + "_" + (getFilenameFile  texture) + (getFilenameType rendFilename);
				rendOutputFilename = textureFolder + ("batchMatReplace_" + (getFilenameFile  texture)  + ".png");
			render outputfile:rendOutputFilename;
		Messagebox "You didn't select any Objects to replace Textures on";

Raphael Steves

barigazy's picture

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