Return overall scene dimensions
Hi All,
I'm looking for a script which can return the overall dimensions of a scene.
In this case we want to apply it to our tree library of over 1000 trees. It can be tricky to gauge by eye how large a tree is. Obviously theres room to scale to a degree but only so far. An accurate starting point would be helpful.
I was hoping to be able to batch run this script and get an excel doc/csv reporting the file names and the overall dimensions (in this scenario Z scale or height is most important).
We'd then use that sheet to apply keywords for filtering trees by height in our library.
I saw someone have a go at this a few years back but didnt seem to get it resolved.
Any ideas??
Re object/scene total height
Hi Jahman,
Sorry only just seen this reply.
I know nothing about scripting.
I use Project Manager which apparently can allow me to batch run scripts on a load of nested files/folders.
So do you know how I could wrap up a script which would measure the total scene height and then put it into a csv/spreadhseet next to the file name?
So I end up with a sheet of my 1000+ trees with their heights in the next cell?
run this snippet for each scene file