Run a script in multiple files."batch script"

I am looking for an action that runs another script in the files within a folder. (.max) I select the folder, and script run on all the files then save. (Ex: Zero-Center Pivot Switcher). It is too complex?


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fajar's picture

little idea :maxF= getFiles

little idea :

maxF= getFiles @"D:\MAX\Archmodel\Vol.01\Arch Model Vol.07 Electronics\*.max" -- you can change this folder, just leave *.max as it be, because you want to open max file correct ?
mapped fn scriptToRun obj = ---script that you want to run [this is do centering the object geomtry pivot in the center]
	centerPivot obj
-- and last do looping open maxfile and do something with our script, then save the max file 
for i in maxF do loadMaxFile i useFileUnits:true quiet:true ; scriptToRun geometry ;saveMaxFile i quiet:true  

not checking it yet...on my phone right now.

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