scale script

I am looking for a script that will scale an objects size based on its distance from a camera. One key thing it needs to do is only scale that said object after it enters a certain perimeter around the object being scaled. Also the camera must be able to control the spheres scale no matter what direction it is moving towards the sphere. For example:

sphere and camera are separated by 150 units.
sphere size is arbitrary but has a perimeter set at 100 units from pivot.
camera passes through 100 unit perimeter.
sphere will scale down relative to this distance that the camera moves. If the camera moves 50% into the perimeter the sphere will scale to 50%.
camera leaves the perimeter.
sphere will scale back up to its original size.

I am pretty lost on how to do this myself. I tried to use reaction manager but it did not work out. thanks.


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stenionet's picture

Insanto I can not make your

I can not make your script work.
Can you give information how to use it?


Graph's picture

are you experienced with

are you experienced with maxscript? if so ..

have phun:

   if IN_DistDuff != undefined do unRegisterTimeCallback IN_DistDuff.zDepthPreview
         struct distStuff
            var = 0
            fn getFurthestBBPoint o = --get furthest BBcorner-position of an obj in relation to viewport
               local ma = o.max ; local mi = o.min
               local arr = #([ma.x,ma.y,ma.z],[ma.x,mi.y,ma.z],[mi.x,mi.y,ma.z],[mi.x,ma.y,ma.z],[ma.x,ma.y,mi.z],[ma.x,mi.y,mi.z],[mi.x,mi.y,mi.z],[mi.x,ma.y,mi.z])
               local maxDist = -99999999 ; local maxP = [0,0,0]
               for p in arr do(if(dist=distance(inverse(viewport.getTM())).pos p)>maxDist do(maxDist=dist;maxP=p))
               return maxP
            )--END getFurthestBBPoint FN
            fn getFurthestPos = --get furthest position of visible geometry in relation to viewwport
               local objArr = for o in geometry where not (o.isHidden) collect o
               local arr = for o in objArr collect (getFurthestBBPoint o)
               local maxDist = -99999999 ; local maxP = [0,0,0]
               for p in arr do(if(dist=distance(inverse(viewport.getTM())).pos p)>maxDist do(maxDist=dist;maxP=p))
               return maxP
            )--END getFurthestPos FN
            fn zDepthPreview = --make zDepthPreview based on objDistance/MaxDist  --build in isInView check to objArr collection
               local furthestPosFromView = getFurthestPos()
               if furthestPosFromView != [0,0,0] then
                  local maxDist = distance(inverse(viewport.getTM())).pos furthestPosFromView
                  local objArr = for o in geometry where not (o.isHidden) collect o
                  for obj in objArr do
                     local centerDist = distance(inverse(viewport.getTM())).pos
                     local val = (abs(centerDist/maxDist-1)) * 255
                     obj.wireColor = color val val val
               else --handling for non perp views
               return OK
            )--END zDepthPreview FN
            fn autoSmoothByDist = --set AutoSmooth Itterations based on objDistance/MaxDist
            )--END autoSmoothByDist FN
         global IN_DistDuff = distStuff var:1
         registerTimeCallback IN_DistDuff.zDepthPreview
)--END local scope

Raphael Steves

stenionet's picture

I am looking for the same

I am looking for the same solution. For months I am searching and cannot find a way to do this.

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