Script needed - draw spline beween 2 dummies

Hi Chaps,

I am working on a project that requires the creation of hundreds of pylon towers, and am looking for a efficient method of linking wires between them.

This may be asking a bit much but ideally i want a script that:

Can draw a spline between 2 selected dummies, create a vertex in the centre of the spline and drop that vertex down in the Z axis by an amount based upon the distance beween to 2 points. So quite a lot really

Can anyone point me in the direction of a similar script, or one i may be able to modify to suit requirments?

Many thanks.


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tommym's picture

draw spline beween 2 dummies

Hi guys,
I find this topic very interesting too, do you think by moving the said dummies
it is possible to animate accurate movements of the spline like amplitude and
rotation of a Triple Helix ?


Graph's picture

(     -- sinkF determines

	-- sinkF determines the z height of the centerPoint ;  1 = offset by pos1 and 2 distance , 0.5 = half the distance ... 
	fn makeWire pos1 pos2 sinkF:0.23 = 
		local dir = normalize (pos2-pos1)
		local dist = (distance pos1 pos2)/2.0
		local pos = pos1 + dir * dist
		pos.z -= (dist*sinkF)
		local new_spline = splineShape ()
			addNewSpline new_spline
				addKnot new_spline 1 #smooth #curve pos1
					addKnot new_spline 1 #smooth #curve pos
				addKnot new_spline 1 #smooth #curve pos2
			updateshape new_spline
		return new_spline
	makeWire $ $

have phun

Raphael Steves

Admin's picture

For those who find this via

For those who find this via search in the future - a couple solutions were posted on CG Architect thread.

Christopher Grant

Anubis's picture

In the MaxScript Reference

In the MaxScript Reference has a topic "MAXScript FAQ > How do I create a line between two points?" that will helps you.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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