selected face assign material only

for o in selection where isKindOf o Editable_Poly or isKindOf o Editable_Mesh do
topFaces = #{}
minFaces = #{}

gfc = if isKindOf o Editable_Poly then polyop.getfaceCenter else meshop.getfaceCenter
for f = 1 to o.numfaces do
if (gfc o f).z == o.max.z do append topFaces f

if (gfc o f).z == o.min.z do append minFaces f
o.selectedfaces = topFaces
polyop.setFaceSelection o topFaces

topfaces.material = meditMaterials[22]


there is script
i would like to assign material in topfaces only
but this code is error
pls some help ~


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miauu's picture


	max modify mode
	selObsArr = selection as array
	for o in selObsArr where isKindOf o Editable_Poly or isKindOf o Editable_Mesh do
		select o
		subobjectlevel = 4
		topFaces = #{}
		minFaces = #{}
		gfc = if isKindOf o Editable_Poly then polyop.getfaceCenter else meshop.getfaceCenter
		for f = 1 to o.numfaces do
			if (gfc o f).z == o.max.z do append topFaces f
			if (gfc o f).z == o.min.z do append minFaces f
-- 		o.selectedfaces = topFaces
		polyop.setFaceSelection o topFaces
		o.material = meditMaterials[2]

But this is not the proper solution. ;)

dussla's picture

thank you

that is good ~
really thank you always

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