$$$ Selection & Mapping - WILL PAY $$$

Dear All,

I need a number of scripts - v.happy to pay the going rate for them to be made.

1) I need a script to automatically furnish a multi/sub mtl with new materials containing the same common mtl properties (perhaps via clone) but different bitmaps using some sort of logical naming convention. I.e. for large numbers 1000+ of materials.

I then additionally require:

a) a script that can automatically reassign a 1 million+ poly object with randomized matID's from ID 1-1000 by dividing the total polycount by number of required ID's and then assigning randomly (at face/poly level). There is a script that attempts to do this but it crashes with anything over a few thousand polys and I figure this is not an operation that should require an hour or more of processing time.

(preferable option)


3 I need a script that fixes the graphite tools "random select" functionality for objects with large polycounts i.e. select random (absolute) number or select (percentage) of total faces - since this function seems to be broken when used on dense geo.

Please quote a proposed fee and timescale and I'll make an upfront % payment.