semi-random rotate selected
I'm really new to script, in fact I just find that scripting for max exists !
So I'm trying to random rotate object but based on selected value, let me explain :
I select many shutters(it can be box, teapot whatever), and i want them to be ramdomly rotate/open but I olso want them to be chosen angle 15, 30, 45 , 60 or 90 ° angle not a fully random angle (I succeed doing a fully random).
hope someone do understand what I wrote, i'm french, to write in english is really hard.
please explain the array
please explain the array formula
this is mentioned in a few
this is mentioned in a few topics here.
here is the last one i remember:
the epigram answer:
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
I would think to put the
I would think to put the values i want into an array,
then while running the loop on the selected objects,
randomly call the value from the array.
good luck.
for example - use my
for example - use my superpainter for this.