Set "Map Output Size" on mulitple objects....

I've searched all over the place for this and couldn't quite find what I need. I use 3DS Max to lightmap levels for a game called "Battlefield 1942". It handles lightmaps by having individual lightmap files on chl3 uvmap for each object instance. I rely on the "element name" to store the "position" of the object in the filename. This is how the game knows which lightmap goes to which object ingame.

I want to know if someone out there has a script that makes the process of setting the map output size (the resolution of the rendered lightmap file) for a bunch of object at once. The Render to Texture dialog doesn't let me select multiple elements at once (oh how I wished that it would. Come on Max? Why no batch selection? :P ) so I can set the output size for each one.

I need a script that can do this WITHOUT destroying the other properties the object has like the element name and element type. The scripts I have that automates the process of setting the element names and type to the objects works well, but currently it defaults them to all being set to "Automatic Map Size". Thus I have to go in and set a good map size for the objects one by one in the Render to Texture dialog. This is a major pain since most BF1942 maps have at least thousand plus objects!

I group objects together based on what size I want their lightmaps to be and I go to the Render to Texture dialog to set their output size. I really need a script that automates this process. I want to select multiple objects and set the output size for them with a single click. It takes me almost 30+ minutes and even up to an hour on larger maps to set this up. I would be really grateful if there was a faster way of doing this. :D

Oh by the way I use 3DS Max 10 for setting this up. But I sometimes build a map scene in Max 7. Max 7 has stability issues in Windows 7, so most of the time I set this up in Max 10.


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Apache Thunder's picture


Seriously? Something like this has to be simple compared to the other requests around here. :(

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