Set U and V tiling of all Bitmap textures of selection


Here i am creating a script of Set U and V tiling of all Bitmap textures of selection
but script has bug and i can not solve it.

can any one correct the script


-- Function to set U and V tiling of all Bitmap textures in a V-Ray material to 1.0
fn setVrayMaterialTilingToOne mat =
	-- Function to set tiling for a Bitmap texture
    fn setBitmapTiling tex =
        if classOf tex == Bitmaptexture do
            tex.U_Tiling = 1.0
            tex.V_Tiling = 1.0
    -- Check and set tiling for all relevant maps in V-Ray material
    if (mat != getClassInstances vraymtl) do
        print mat
	-- Diffuse map
        if mat.diffuseMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.diffuseMap
        -- Bump map
        if mat.bumpMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.bumpMap
        -- Reflection map
        if mat.reflectionMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.reflectionMap
        -- Refraction map
        if mat.refractionMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.refractionMap
        -- Specular map
        if mat.specularMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.specularMap
        -- Self-illumination map
        if mat.selfIllumMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.selfIllumMap
        -- Displacement map
        if mat.displacementMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.displacementMap
        -- Coat map
        if mat.coatMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.coatMap
        -- Check if the material is a Multi/Sub-Object material
        if classOf mat == Multimaterial do
            for i = 1 to mat.numsubs do
                local subMat = mat[i]
                setVrayMaterialTilingToOne subMat
-- Iterate over selected objects and set tiling for their V-Ray materials
for obj in selection do
--    local mat = getMaterial obj
	local mat = getClassInstances vraymtl target:obj.mat
    setVrayMaterialTilingToOne mat


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SimonBourgeois's picture

Try this:

	fn setBitmapTiling BitmapsArr  =
		for map in BitmapsArr do
			map.coords.U_Tiling = 1.0
			map.coords.V_Tiling = 1.0
	local matArr =#()
	local bitmapArr=#()
	for obj in selection where obj.material != undefined do join matArr (getClassInstances VRayMtl target:obj.material) --create an array for all VRayMtl,it collects all VRayMtl within multisub or blend or other type of materials
	for m in matArr do
		join bitmapArr (getClassInstances Bitmaptexture target:m) --add all Bitmaps to bitmapArr
		join bitmapArr (getClassInstances VRayBitmap target:m) --add all VrayBitmaps to bitmapArr
	makeUniqueArray bitmapArr --filterout bitmaps that have been collected multiple times (if the same bitmaps are used in multiple materials)
	setBitmapTiling bitmapArr --launch the function for every collected bitmaps
sketchupmaster's picture

Thank you so much . . . :)

It is working and all fine.

Sketchup Master

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