Set U and V tiling of all Bitmap textures of selection
Here i am creating a script of Set U and V tiling of all Bitmap textures of selection
but script has bug and i can not solve it.
can any one correct the script
-- Function to set U and V tiling of all Bitmap textures in a V-Ray material to 1.0 fn setVrayMaterialTilingToOne mat = ( -- Function to set tiling for a Bitmap texture fn setBitmapTiling tex = ( if classOf tex == Bitmaptexture do ( tex.U_Tiling = 1.0 tex.V_Tiling = 1.0 ) ) -- Check and set tiling for all relevant maps in V-Ray material if (mat != getClassInstances vraymtl) do ( print mat -- Diffuse map if mat.diffuseMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.diffuseMap -- Bump map if mat.bumpMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.bumpMap -- Reflection map if mat.reflectionMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.reflectionMap -- Refraction map if mat.refractionMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.refractionMap -- Specular map if mat.specularMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.specularMap -- Self-illumination map if mat.selfIllumMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.selfIllumMap -- Displacement map if mat.displacementMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.displacementMap -- Coat map if mat.coatMap != undefined do setBitmapTiling mat.coatMap -- Check if the material is a Multi/Sub-Object material if classOf mat == Multimaterial do ( for i = 1 to mat.numsubs do ( local subMat = mat[i] setVrayMaterialTilingToOne subMat ) ) ) ) -- Iterate over selected objects and set tiling for their V-Ray materials for obj in selection do ( -- local mat = getMaterial obj local mat = getClassInstances vraymtl target:obj.mat setVrayMaterialTilingToOne mat )
Try this:
Thank you so much . . . :)
It is working and all fine.
Sketchup Master