Shell Edit Poly along ONLY X and Y Axis (not on Z axis)

Hey all,

I have a script request. Currently I have a detailed object that I would like to shell so that it can be 3D printed BUT... due to the way the shell modifier currently works in max (along normals), the wall thickness ends up being inconsistent any time there is an angle in the z axis (see images attache). This results in varying wall thicknesses when 3D printing, since 3D printing builds up one layer at a time on the Z axis.

What I'm looking for is a way to add a constrained shell modifier that only shells the object on the X and Y axis, not the Z axis. This should result in a consistent wall thickness on the Z plane.

I've tried a number of techniques over the past several days but nothing has worked so far. I believe this one is going to require a script but I'm not sure where to start with this one.

Image show the object with a shell that has a 0.8mm inner and 0.8mm outer thickness plus another image without the shell modifier.

Any help would be VERY greatly appreciated by myself and (I'm sure) by the entire 3D printing community (at least the ones that use max).

annotation_2020-02-09_143235.jpg877.11 KB
annotation_2020-02-09_143417.jpg913.14 KB
shell_example.max21.25 MB


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DotScott1's picture

Still legitimately willing to pay for this

Still legitimately willing to pay for something that can do this. Still haven't been able to figure it out.

DotScott1's picture

Still trying to figure this out.

Have been trying all sorts of different techniques to accomplish this but so far... nothing :(

miauu's picture


Upload the model so that anyone interested can check it out.

DotScott1's picture

Uploaded max file.

I can't upload that exact model but I uploaded a very similar one that illustrates my point. The shell is set to 0.8mm inner and 0.8mm outer but because the shape varies along the Z axis, and shell modifiers shell according to normal direction, the thickness varies as it goes up in the Z.

What I'm hoping to achieve is a thickness of exactly 1.6mm all the way up.

jahman's picture


Does it behave exact same way on an object with a proper mesh topology?
Does your model has a proper uniform scale?

DotScott1's picture

Uploaded max file.

I can't upload that exact model but I uploaded a very similar one that illustrates my point. The shell is set to 0.8mm inner and 0.8mm outer but because the shape varies along the Z axis, and shell modifiers shell according to normal direction, the thickness varies as it goes up in the Z.

What I'm hoping to achieve is a thickness of exactly 1.6mm all the way up.

DotScott1's picture

I'd be willing to pay for this script...

I'd honestly be willing to pay someone to make this... Really need to be able to do this for my printing projects.

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