Simple Macro move to absolute world axis, how can be?

Ok guys i dont know why this its very complicated, how can i write a macro to move selected vertex to absolute coordenate position, if i have selected vertex and i want move to x-7.638 y-7.693 z-47.427 with macro never never never works, and yea i choose all the macrorecorder options, absolute, relative, explicit selection, etc. but i never get the vertex go to this absolute world postion, can please help with the syntax for this?.if i choose the vertex i want see on the


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rimbros's picture

Thank you

Thanks for your Help. It Works.XD

sable806's picture


Hello, if i under stand correctly what you need is moving a vertex to exact coordinates with a macro button ?

Find here a piece of code and tell me if it suits your needs

setabsolutevertpos.mcr 789 bytes

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