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Slate is only the second mode of MEditor. You can't have opened two instance of ME at the same time. Even if this is posible materialisation process will be too slow.
OK, second idea, possible to
OK, second idea, possible to have both Compact and Slate displayed at the same time, with Slate Views Dock-able to the side of Compact ?
..or is this area of Max out of the scope of editing as in only do-able by c++?
Slate is only the second mode of MEditor. You can't have opened two instance of ME at the same time. Even if this is posible materialisation process will be too slow.
You can have only one open at the time.
Why you need gradient color for a background?
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
"Why you need gradient color for a background?"
Same reason you have a gradient in the viewport.
Thanks for the info, shame the UI isn't more configurable/customisable.
I only know how to ask if
I only know how to ask if it's possible, and to place ideas in the heads of coding genius ;)
Non at least you know c++