Smooth spline + optimize spline

I need a script that works a bit like the smooth spline one but has a way of setting the smoothing value at the time of processing rather than having to run the command 5+ times to get the smoothing result I desire. I need to be able to specify which values get smoothed out of X, Y and Z. Most of my work is smoothing out Z noise but it would be beneficial to be able to smooth out X and Y sometimes. I need a tick box where I can choose just one, two or all 3 inputs (X/Y/Z).

It's not a major one but would be nice - after running the smooth spline script I would want to run something like the clean spline script. Reducing the vertex count based on angle. Probably this one doesn't need to be X/Y/Z dependent but it's it do able, it might come in useful.

The tricky bit, possibly because I can't find anything out there that does this - I could do with optimizing the outputted spline from above. This means the spline must have a very close matching profile but with bezier handle vertices. In other words, take a perfect circle, which can be made from 4 vertices with equal handles. What if at some point the perfect optimised circle had knots/vertices inserted. Is it possible to run a best fit spline where it reduces the vertex count to the minimum possible again BUT still keeping the curvature of the spline.

I would really appreciate anyone that can help me.


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andy_alesik's picture

This modifier is similar to

This modifier is similar to the optimize plugin except that it works on splines. It tries to approximate the given spline with a spline that looks the same but has fewer knots. You specifiy the maximum error and an angle for corner detection. It works both on bezier points and on corner points. So you can use it to 'reverse engineer' tesselated splines that have only corner points back to splines with bezierpoints. Its main purpose is to clean up data from imported DXF and DWG splines.

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