Sort objects in a row with a gap
I have many planes in the same position and need to sort in a row with a gap for select them without problems (now all are coplanars)
I have studied this code form drag and drop script but I have no idea how execute this function
How can I do "sort_objects_in_a_row planes AXIS 20" where AXIS is x and gap is 20?
/** Sorts objects on an axis with a given gap between. planes = array of objects axis = string "x", "y", or "z" gap = integer number local AXIS = "x" -- axis to align planes on **/ fn sort_objects_in_a_row objs axis gap size= ( local w, h, d local oldW, oldH, oldD local oldObject for o in objs do ( bb = nodeGetBoundingBox o o.transform in coordsys o ( -- GET WIDTH if bb[1][1] >= bb[2][1] then ( biggerW = bb[1][1] smallerW = bb[2][1] ) else ( biggerW = bb[2][1] smallerW = bb[1][1] ) w = biggerW - smallerW -- GET HEIGHT if bb[1][2] >= bb[2][2] then ( biggerH = bb[1][2] smallerH = bb[2][2] ) else ( biggerH = bb[2][2] smallerH = bb[1][2] ) h = biggerH - smallerH -- GET DEPTH if bb[1][3] >= bb[2][3] then ( biggerD = bb[1][3] smallerD = bb[2][3] ) else ( biggerD = bb[2][3] smallerD = bb[1][3] ) d = biggerD - smallerD )--end coordsys oldObject = o oldW = w oldH = h oldD = d )--end for
Thanks, I resolve it with the help of a friend in a simpler way, not perfect but works
local gap = 150
refplane.pos = [x,0,0]
x = x+gap
if yuo want to sort selected objects you need to add below function :
but I see this is not a full code of function... is it all you have ?