Spline select visible segments

Hello everyone,

im looking for a solution to delete spline segments that are actually not visible in the current camera view. Maybe the visiblecheck should be done on the splineKots rather segmentsmiddlepoint to prevent segments that are mostly outside the view from being deleted.

Could that be possible with MCG ? In what way ? As modifier or new SplinePrimitive, picking the source Spline ?

I got some MaxScript skills, but have no experience with MCG.
So maybe someone with knownledge of MCGs capabilities can give me a hint, or push in the right direction ?

Therefore i would like to have a look at the spline generating MCGs that are distrubited here.
But dont know how to get the MCG "flow" of already installed .mcg packges to the MCG editor.

Thanks for any feeback.


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vusta's picture

by default...

your installed MCG goes into: C:\Users\xxx\Autodesk\3ds Max 201x\Max Creation Graph\Tools

So after you've installed one successfully, do: Scripting>Max Creation Graph editor>File>Open...navigate to above...find the 'maxtool' file...start dissecting.

I'll repeat this for noobs...make a back up of this directory:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 201x\MaxCreationGraph

Save it somewhere safe !!! coz if you screw something up, then use this to restore by copying it back.

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