Turning Off / On layers with pointcloud
Hi there,
I'm looking for a 3Ds Max script that allows me, with a click of a button, to turn off and on all the layers that contain pointclouds.
We use Forest Pack a lot and therefor a scene can become pretty heavy. To make the worklow a bit easier, i would like to turn off all the layers with forest pointcloud, afterwards i want to turn them on again.
Thanks in advance.
Forestpack class
Thank you for your response.
All proxies can be hidden yes. Thank you :) The only think i can't make work is hiding the Forestpack. Where should I add the Forestpack class?
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you.
here is toggle to display
here is toggle to display on/off for all Vray and Corona proxies, Corona scatter and Multiscatter
Just add Forestpack class here
macroScript HideProxyScatter category:"Tools"
if (hideArr = selectionSets[setName])==undefined then(
hideArr = #()
for o in objects where (classof o == VRayProxy or classof o == MultiScatter or classof o == Cproxy or classof o == CScatter) do (append hideArr o)
if hideArr.count!=0 then selectionSets[setName] = hideArr
hide hideArr
hideArr = selectionSets[setName]
if hideArr!=undefined then (
unhide hideArr
deleteItem selectionsets hideArr
--hideArr = #()
Forestpack class
Thank you for your response.
All proxies can be hidden yes. Thank you :) The only think i can't make work is hiding the Forestpack. Where should I add the Forestpack class?
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you.