Turntable script
I'm a student animation and i'm in my 3th year and working on my graduation project. The school wants me to log all the steps that i do and they want to see a turntable from all the props that i make. But i have a lot of props, so ...
Can somebody write me a script in max that can make an automatic turntable?
I already found http://www.scriptspot.com/files/turntable_1_65.ms on scriptspot but it would be cool if it can do some more stuff.
What should the script do:
- Select all object in scene
- Group object
- Set object to center of grid
- Run script:
framerate = 25
renderwidth = 1280
renderheight = 720
animationRange = interval animationRange.end 1
rollout FrameRange_Rollout "Frame Range"
edittext prefix_txt "End Frame" fieldwidth:100 labelOnTop:true
on FrameRange_Rollout open do
setFocus prefix_txt
fn EditTimeLine _endTime=
animationRange = interval animationRange.start _endTime
on prefix_txt entered _text do
EditTimeLine (prefix_txt.text as integer)
destroydialog FrameRange_Rollout
createDialog FrameRange_Rollout 120 50
- Create camera from view-port
- Create circle at camera position
- Path constraint camera to circle
- Merge preset max scene with current scene (=scene with a custom light rig setup)
- Open dialogue box with following options:
- A message that says: Turntable setup created
- A blank field with the name 'Save Turntable' and the possibility to browse to a path on my pc where i can save the turntable files as png.
- A button that says 'Render'> If pressed the rendering of the turntable begins
- When the rendering is final on the dialogue box appears the message 'Turntable created'
- A button that says 'Clear Scene' > When pressed on it deletes the camera, camera target, circle and ungroups the object.
I don't know if its possible to make, but it would help me a lot!
Thanks in advance