Wind Force Preview
It would be cool if there was a way to preview the Wind force Turbulence, Frequency, and Scale settings.
It's hard to really tell the Amount and scale of those settings when using them.
If there was a script that generated a field of dots and link those up to the wind somehow so users could visible see the affect of the settings.
ForceViewer is very powerful
ForceViewer is very powerful but out of date.
Is someone the ability to create a version for 3dsmax 2012 x64 from source code provided here?: Http://
there is plug-in called force
there is plug-in called force viewer but it is only for max up to version 2008.Here is the site: you can download the pug-in and it's source code.It would be great if someone could make it work for other versions.
That is what I was originally going to script up and make work. It's just annoying when I'm doing it a lot.
I'm doing sims with FumeFX and I'm adding the Wind force to its simulation system but I have no sense of scale on the Wind properties since there is no unit in its properties for Scale and Turbulence.
John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)
Why not use a default
You could use a default particle source for it, add a Force Operator and add the Wind. Its all in max and fast to set up.
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