New materials from names


So I've tried to find some script that would help me with some problem and I do not think that exists. After that had an idea to maybe do it on my own, cause from idea perspective is simple, but I am such retard in the matter of programming, that I give up. Anyone is able to help with it? And how much it will cost? As I understand it should be fairly simple for someone who knows MS...

What the problem is:
For each selected mesh create new basic material named the same as the mesh and assign this material to correspond mesh.

Best Regards!


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IN_human's picture

for i in selection do if

for i in selection do if classOf i == Editable_mesh do
i.material = standard() =

slizgi's picture

Thank you, I didn't know this

Thank you, I didn't know this script! Will take a look on this today.

Royal Ghost's picture

Check this one "nameManager"

Check this one "nameManager" .

If you still needed custom script write me to [email protected] .

Royal Ghost |

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