Voting system for script features
I usually have the situation where I don't sure about the features suggested by the community members, so I think, some sort of voting system for the script features would be very usefull. This may be implemented in the forum topics, or in the script page. The latter would be more convenient.
Thanks for the offer to help
Thanks for the offer to help Alex!
I've been poking through the available drupal modules the last few days trying to figure out what the best method would be to go about doing this. I don't really like the IdeaTorrent system because it's not very "drupalish" (it's functionality should be implemented via voting api & views but it's not), doesn't look very future proof and requires postgresql which isn't the direction I want to go. drupal is much like 3ds max - every version breaks existing plugins until they're updated to the new version. ScriptSpot has been around nearly 10 years now - almost 3 on drupal so I have to be careful that any 3rd party code I include is code that I'm willing to upgrade myself the following year...
I'm still looking for the "perfect" system to implement. I keep coming back to wanting something simple - I don't want an overly complex system that nobody uses. I want something simple for devs to quickly put together and gather some information from the users. I think I'm leaning most towards a poll system that could be attached to each script. For example - there is a CCK module called pollfield that will let me attach a poll to any content type.
Whatever I choose - I have to complete a drupal 5 -> 6 migration over the holiday break first. Unfortunately that transition also involves going from views 1 -> views 2 and there isn't a direct translation so all site views have to be rebuilt by hand... Yay. I can hardly wait. LOL.
I'll try to put together a "to do" list over the break as well so I can break up the tasks (including something like the voting system) over the next few months and hopefully can work with you and some others to implement some of em.
Christopher Grant
Christopher Grant
Hi. I'm a web dev and I have
Hi. I'm a web dev and I have a couple of Drupal projects under my belt. I could add voting system here for free in my spare time.
Christopher, I understand this site runs on Drupal? There's a voting plugin for Drupal called IdeaTorrent, you can see it in action here:
The complicated part is to integrate it with existing user base, everything else is relatively easy.
This plugin also requires PostgreSQL installation so we need to be sure your hoster supports it.
Let me know what you think.
Interesting, this would
Interesting, this would indeed a welcome adition to the site. It has my vote =P
I think that everyone should be able to add features to the requested features list, but the author should have full moderating control, so he can erase features he thinks are not appropriate. Maybe the author would have to OK the features before their are publicly displayed?
The author should also be able to comment on the status of those features. So he can let everyone know when they have implemented and whatnot.
I thought of SGC example but
I thought of SGC example but with editing capalities - for the first time voting list is empty, but when the user suggests new feature I'll add this feature to the list. Yes, it's not social-centric from some point of view.
I've found another expamle of user created feature voting system - It seems more interesting, and they have list box with time limits. I think this kind of limits should solve the problem with short/long term requests.
User-created feature list is more interesting, but I think it should have some adminstrating methods nonetheless. Even that ubuntu project has some sort of sandbox...
I think this is a great
I think this is a great topic and I'm promoting to home page to get some additional visibility.
Christopher Grant
In your CGS example the
In your CGS example the author of the post set the poll options up when they first wrote it... How doe you see this working on SS with changing priorities in development? You'd have to know ahead of time all the features people *might* want and have a poll created with those options when you post the script...
I guess the most important question is actualy whether you as the author or the end users are responsible for creating the suggested feature options...
Another question - how would this be balanced over time or would it? IE a feature request is added and 3 months go by and it receives 30 votes, then another feature request is added and 1 week goes by and it receives 10 votes. Technically the short term request has less votes but proportionally to time it's more significant right?
Thanks Sergo - I appreciate you being willing to hash out a great idea for ScriptSpot!
Christopher Grant
Just so I'm clear you're
Just so I'm clear you're talking as a script developer you want to know what features people want for your individual script or in general?
Example for Batch Camera Render
You'd like for people to be able to not only leave you comments but to add their "wish" and then other people rank that wish? Presumably you'd like that information fed right into the main script page so it's easy to see at a glance what features are being requested... If that's the case I've seen something similar (albeit more complex) - here's an example page where users vote for features at ...
Example for whole site
You'd like to expand on the "scripts wanted" forum so it was easier for people to add their wish to, easier for developers to keep track of and easier for everyone to see what the most requested features were?
I'm open to alternative ideas and always welcome assistance on the dev end if anyone wants to dabble with CMS / PHP development. :-)
Christopher Grant
Christopher Grant
The first example looks more
The first example looks more interesting for me. At features to vote on are created by the users and that may be harder to implement.
I was thinking about the thing like this -