I am trying to make a SIMPLE particle flow script decreasing speed of particles

I am trying to make a simple Particle Flow script decreasing speed of particles. Why this did not work, the variable "vel" is changing? And other important question how to make particles to go on random direction not in single line.

on ChannelsUsed pCont do
pCont.useTime = true
pCont.useSpeed = true

on Init pCont do


on Proceed pCont do
count = pCont.NumParticles()
speed = .05
t = pCont.particleAge
for i in 1 to count do
pCont.particleIndex = i
vel = (speed/t)
print vel
pCont.particleSpeed = [vel,0,0]


on Release pCont do



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mark pigott's picture

Try this script Firstly, you

Try this script
Firstly, you set your Speed in a Speed operator but this script
should do the trick It is a log slowdown, which I like better
than that dreaded linear slowdown which is is in "Find Target"

on ChannelsUsed pCont do
on Init pCont do 
on Proceed pCont do 
	count = pCont.NumParticles()
	for i in 1 to count do
		pCont.particleIndex = i
		--if (pCont.particleNew) then
		CurAge=(pow 1.0005 pCont.particleAge)as float
on Release pCont do 

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