Tagged 'Misc'

Set Paths

4 votes

Writes to the 3dsmax.ini file to set your open - save - stuff like that.


5 votes

"Serves as a files browser/selector - somewhat emulating Windows' file browse dialog. MAXScript didn't seem to provide this functionality - so I wrote this! This script is intended to be called by other scripts.
Extensions ONLY required for MAX 3.x - not version 4."

setup xrayOthers

4 votes

"Sets selected objects as solid - and unselected objects in xray mode. Pretty simple to use - when it's enabled - everytime you change selections it updates - when it's disabled - it doesn't."


7 votes

Bring up the properties of the selected objects


6 votes

Speeds up repetitive aligning by prompting the user to pick the source and target.


8 votes

Add's a Post It note to an Object - a Modifier - Or a Material. The note appears in the modifier panel as a rollout - or in the material editor.


0 votes

Select - hide or freeze any objects with a specific texture map applied to them. Search by full name or substring.

Math Functions

7 votes

This is a set of Max Script functions that are to be loaded and globaly and then called from other scripts or script controllers. Read the notes in the file for further help on usage for the scripts and what they do.

Copy Properties

8 votes

Allows you to copy any object property and paste on another object. Also allows you to create a new object with some of the properties of the original object.

Three-Point Orientation

8 votes

Aligns an object to the plane specified by three dummy objects.